• Varroa Destructor Sends Signals Within the Hive

      Small parasitic mites, called Varroa Destructor, are one of the greatest threats to honey bees. Varroa often send very powerful vibrational pulses to the surface they live in, new research has found. Scientists at Nottingham Trent University, who led...[more]

  • How to Use the Varroa Check (Alcohol Wash) Sampling Method

      Alcohol washes are an accurate and fast way to determine the Varroa mite infestation rate on a subset of the adult bees within a colony....[more]

  • How Do You Delay The honey Crystallization Process?

      The fact that your honey turned to crystal is by no means your fault. All honey, if it is real, is naturally dispositioned towards turning to crystal. It just happens. But! There are a few things that we can do to try to slow down the process...[more]

  • Feeding Bees During The Winter

      Winter Bee Feeding During winter, honey bees will eat the honey stored in their hive earlier in the year. Typically, bees can make much more honey than they will need to eat during the winter. This is excess is what most beekeepers harvest....[more]
