Plastic Beehive vs Wooden Beehive


Features of Wooden Beehive

Wooden beehive have been in use for a very long time. They are available in different sizes and configurations to suit beekeeper preferences. Beehives made using wood are readily accepted by bees. Moreover, they can be re-purposed easily in beekeeping. Wooden beehives are long-lasting when handled well. These beehives are easy to construct and repair and they work well with your other equipment and beehive parts. Furthermore, they keep out the weather very well.

Wood is a poor conductor of heat. It is able to keep bees warm while temperatures outside the hive are a lot cooler. Beekeepers may build a shelter or have some cover over wooden beehives to prevent rain and snow falling directly onto the beehive. In very cold winters, you may use additional insulation on your wooden beehives to keep honeybees warm. Many different types of wood are used to make beehives. Sometimes, it is availability of the wood that determines if it will be used on the beehive. The cost of wood from different tree species also determines the wood used to make your beehive.


Beekeepers with experience working with wood can easily make their own strong and durable beehives. You can also buy great wooden beehives at reasonable pricing.

The durability of wooden beehives can be made better. Beekeepers sheltering and painting their wooden beehives get unexpectedly long life and excellent service from their wooden beehives.

Weight is not a big problem with wooden beehives.

Can be modified easily.

Helps with humidity control in hive. Can absorb and release moisture to help bees live in dry conditions.

Works with the other beekeeping stuff you have.

Wood is the single material that is naturally attractive to bees.

Allows for easy repairs and replacement of worn out, damaged or broken sections/pieces.


Can get rotten and weak over time if not well maintained.

Can be used by pests and parasites to hide eggs in joints and seams.


Can get rotten and weak over time if not well maintained.

Can be used by pests and parasites to hide eggs in joints and seams.

Features of Plastic Beehives

Plastic beehive are available to beekeepers to house honeybees. These beehives often come molded. Some plastic beehive manufacturers have beehive boxes on offer in place of full beehives. The boxes are built to the various Langstroth beehive specifications. This gives beekeepers plastic 10-frame and 8-frame beehives available with deep, medium and shallow boxes. Plastic beehives promise a life of approximately 30 years.


Low maintenance costs are realized when you use a plastic beehive.

Alignment dowels for wooden parts may be found on some plastic beehives by some manufacturers.

Predator resistance – plastic beehives with hive connectors show greater resistance to the efforts of large and small predators trying to get into the beehive.

Double thin walls found on some plastic beehives give better insulation properties.


Plastic beehive are not very suitable for use in cold climates.

Flimsy plastic beehives fall apart and may cause you to lose your honeybee colony. Others are made by inexperienced beekeeping equipment manufacturers and are not molded to exact measurements. As a result, some parts and components of the plastic beehive may not fit together.

Condensation forms easily in plastic beehives.

Does not work well with most other equipment you have for wooden beehives and general beekeeping.

No or low resale value – plastic beehives are relatively new in the beekeeping industry and many beekeepers do not want them. If you want to sell your plastic beehive, you may have a difficult time finding a buyer.


Do you prefer plastic or wooden beehive?

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