Nucs or Package Bees – Which is Better?
Like any new hobby, beekeeping has some words that most people don’t understand. When I first became interested in beekeeping I began to read everything I could online. Luckily, there is a lot of information online for prospective beekeepers. However...[more]
2022-08-09 -
How does Oxalic acid kill mites and how does it affect bees?
What is Oxalic Acid? Oxalic is a natural organic acid found in many plants including its namesake oxalis, also in rhubarb leaves and spinach. It is a poisonous crystalline powder with a sour taste. It has been used in Europe as a varroa treatment for...[more]
2022-08-05 -
Queen Rearing for Commercial and Hobby Beekeepers
Queen rearing supplies, Plastic cell cups, cages, grafting tools, kits, nuc boxes...[more]
2022-07-27 -
How to Sugar Roll for Varroa Count
If you really do not want to kill 300 bees this spring, here is a quick and effective way to test for Varroa Mites Supplies: • Very dry powdered (convectionary) sugar • Screened mason jar • 1⁄2 cup measure • White pan • Water spritzer – spray bottle ...[more]
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